Sample Beer

Beer lovers can sample new beers from home and abroad at the largest Swiss beer festival or on a brewery tour.

Buy Beer

Whether as a gift or to take home: anyone who wants to buy some local beer to enjoy later can purchase it direct from the warehouse ramp or in these brewery stores:

  • Amboss – can be bought direct from the ramp close to Zurich Main Station
  • Bier Paul – fans can find this craft beer in the brewery store in Zürich-West
  • Wädenswiler Biere – available directly at its own guesthouse and from the ramp
  • Einsiedler Bier – sold not only, but also, in the monastery town direct from the ramp
  • BF (Bier Factory) – beer lovers can also purchase the BF product range from the ramp in Rapperswil-Jona
  • Brauerei Oerlikon – the Oerlik-Öhlsch and Oerlik-IPA brews can be bought direct from the ramp in Zürich-Nord
  • Intercomestibles, der Laden – over 500 regional and international beers

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